
Live management. Long term plans and global goals.

For a long time I have thoughts about my time, live management and self improvement. Gradually, I'm finding out information about it. I want to share it with you and I guess we will move step by step. You know It's long and hard way but we should do first steps and grow little by little. We never be ideal but eventually, you will be much stronger if you change your life.

I must confess first step is difficult one. I believe you should be honest to yourself and say what you want from your life and what you're ready to do for it. If you don't have such decision, then you have open issues in your life that don't give you following possibility. So DECIDE AND MOVE.

What is the sense to move somewhere you don't know?

It seems to me first step (if you have decision to move) is to determine your global goals or long term plans. As far as know it's called "Live management". Let it be just one piece of paper with table.

The table may be various and depends on you but I defined following table.
First row is years. Second is my ages. Next rows' headers are areas in what I want to improve.


Personal development

Career development






Then it just need to be fulfilled and reviewed every week. It'd be great if you do it as plaque or poster. There's only one rule:

Take A Minute
Look At Your Goals
Look At Your Performance
See If Your Behavior Matches Your Goals

You will definitely reach defined goals If you visualize and review it. Just keep it in a plain view.

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