
Happy new year!

Wishing you and your family the very best
during the holidays and throughout the new year!

Art Lebedev's keyboards

I guess everyone has some difficulties when you're working with Photoshop or similar programs because if you need to do it fast you should know all hot-keys. Art Lebedev studio introduced new keyboards that will help us. I strongly believe that these keyboards are keyboards of future.

I'd like to have these one but unfortunately only optimus are available at the moment. However price for it could be better. Now this range is following: 371.40 € to 1256.86 €

Microsoft Surface is coming...

today I saw that Microsoft develops new technology Surface.
I was amazed.

I like it but ...
I saw that Microsoft's trying to do something like Apple. They always have struggle.
I'm just wondering if computer does all things that we do what will we do?

Images from Corporate New Year Party

As I mentioned before 20.12.2007 was corporate (Luxoft) new year party.
It was gorgeous show with much drinks, girls and competitions.
Recently, I have got photos of this party from my friends. So check it out :)

  • At first we had bowling championship
  • Carnival show
  • Dance competition
  • Drinks competition
  • Strip show
  • e.t.c.

P.S. I won cool T-Shirt from "Capitan Morgan".
Taste awesome "pirate rom" with ice :).
Took 3rd place in bowling championship.

Corporate New Year Patry

I guess everyone had or will have corporate new year party.
My company decided to do it 20.12.2007.
Program was amazing. From different competitions with presents to strip-show :)
One man was so drunk therefore ....... look video :)

Social and business networks

Some preface:
I have some friends in England and two days ago i had a conversation with one of them. She'd like to add me as friend to her facebook. I didn't have account therefore i created my own. Then my friend BUG said:

Hi, Mike :) I see that you try to be in all possible networks.
and I was thinking how much social network we have.

Social network:
First of all I googled it and immediately found list of social networks in wikipedia. To be honest i was impressed. I'm interested in how much social network will appear in future? and will it be usefulness? That's why I created new poll and want to find out your thoughts.

P.S. Please see poll on right-hand panel

5 things of my private life

I decided to keep up activity of writing 5 private things about me.
In fact, I have been infected with this by my friend Bug. :)
So my 5 things:

  1. I was born in the village Orinin, Kamenets-Podolsky region. Actually, it was unusual birth because first part of my body that saw this world ....I feel shy :).... it wasn't my head, it was my ass :). I sorry mama that I forced you in such way. I'll be good son.
  2. I have being loved some pretty girl two years (in school) but I was afraid to say it. I was miserable.
  3. I hate to dig potatoes out. It was most frightful punishment for me in my childhood.
  4. Best time i had it was time in dormitory. A lot of girls, beer and time.... Unfortunately time is expensive thing. The elder you are the less time you have. ;(
  5. I understand life can be simple and interesting if you don't waste time.
I want to keep this tendency and commence it with Dima Pastovensky

Slick is the best messenger application for mobile devices

I'm secret admirer of small company
This company provides applications for mobile devices.

Yesterday, new version of best instant messenger (Slick) for mobile devices was released.
Check it out who use smart phone.

Windows Vista Service Pack 1

I have installed Windows Vista on my laptop. To be honest, it's more slower then Windows XP but Windows Vista with license. That's why i don't want to uninstall it.
Recently, I heard about Windows Vista SP1 and figured it out on

Main changes:
1. Support and improve new hardware(HD-DVD и Blu-ray, Direct3D 10.1, big flash);
2. Improved reliability and security system;
3. Improved performance;
4. Support new technologies;
5. Improved computer management tools etc.

If you want you can download it here.

I guess I'll install it on next week and share results with you. :)

Charter plane has fallen down close to my town

I just find out that charter plane has fallen down near to my city. I live in Vyshneve. It's above 2 kilometers from Kiev. As it was stated by there were 5 people on the board. All were dead.
Also you can see photos of this horrible accident on

SGH-D880 (Duos) at last we have cell with two sim cards

Everybody in Ukraine have already known that Samsung Duos (SGH-D880) is being selling.

I'm eager to have such phone but ... always I have but :)

  • How much does it cost? Some sites give approximately ~450$. However I had a quick look to - 999$. I'm really shocked :)
  • How long battery will be alive? - 1200 мАч. If you have two sim cards then call duration will be doubled. I guess It'll be need to charge it every day. I'm too lazy.
  • And the last question does it make sense to buy it? Definitely NO earn money

Recently, I decided to use to earn money and get more skills and knowledge.
Main goal of this web-site is to join customer with projects to professionals who can make it.
I assume it's possible but it needs to be goal-oriented and then you'll reach all points.
My account is

Plaxo social network

Recently I opened new social network for me. It's Main goal is to collect all data in the Internet (photos, favorite music, CV and so on) about your friends and colleagues and show you in one place (in plaxo :) )

Anyway, It looks fine to me because you can what is happened from last time.
In fact, please see if you're interested in.


Every day I didn't have time to create my own blog.
Now I'm here. I'll try to allocate sometime for it.
Anyway, it's first step... :)